Monday, August 03, 2015

Knowing who you are

It's been a while...

But it's alright. Not all of us are born knowing who we are. Sometimes, we get cheated by life. We think we're herdsmen, when we're really carpenters, or that we're paper pushers when we're really paper makers. That's why it's a sweet deal when, after a long blindness, you're suddenly awake and you know, you just know who you are. 

Suddenly, everything in your midst confirms what you've just discovered. 

This feeling... NO! This awareness is what I'm basing my album on. 

It's about peace with myself and with others. A complete turn-around from everything I though I was, to exactly who I am, have always been and was meant to be. I suppose The Hate Song was a representation of this turn-around I speak of. 

It's about waking up and realising 'hey, who is this person? I'm not this person that I've been led to believe. I am who I am and not what everyone has said or says I am'.

Catch my drift?

It must be the same, or similar with you and every single being in this world. Everyone is in a constant search for themselves. When they do find themselves, it's like a complete re-birth.

You might lose yourself a few times, and find yourself a few more. The important thing is to anchor yourself to something greater than you, than your mom or dad, than your expensive car, than your high-paying job, than that boss who keeps promising 'tomorrows that never come', than the whole world, than the whole universe.

Who? How about the one that created everything? Is that clear enough for you?