It's no longer the burden I thought it was. It's become a ritual to guide them, tell them they look silly when they do, tell them they're awesome when they are.
These days, when I wake up, it's to the sound of a Bollywood movie and rapidly spoken hindi, and with the expectation that I'll encounter a task whose ass I can kick big time.
It's a bit like magic.
I don't get tired. The day just bloody ends and I have to go home, eat, sleep or watch TV when insomnia kicks in.
But it doesn't.
Ever felt, like you had a purpose on this earth, and then woken up and realized: "fuck! I have no idea what the hell I'm here for.".
That's still me. So nowadays, I make it up as I go. Having a goal was awesome. But being surprised is okay... I guess.
You never quite know how your day is going to start or end, you just know that it's not yet time to die. And because of that, you do all you can until you can do it no more. That's how it is now.
Like I said, a bit like magic.