Sunday, October 18, 2009

FatSo 3

Even though I wake up feeling like I've been chasing chicken all night, I manage to be at work by ten and work until about 8pm. I'm tired all the time. I want to sit all the time but I've started walking a lot. If I get the new house, I might be able to exercise daily by walking to and from work.

The new house overlooks the banks of the Nairobi River. There's a rumor going round that the government is planning to built an ultra modern shopping complex all along the banks. I hope it's true and I hope I live to see it. In fact. I hope I own that house forever. I think I might buy the house soon. I mean the residential complex. It's a sweet place to live and to own.

I can only hope I won't be alone and lonely like a certain someone I know.

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