Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The only news is bad news, huh?

It's a little depressing, isn't it.? The news today is... kid with a bullet in his head... his mother dead...

Eight killed, 108 unaccounted for in huge US landslide

More than 100 people remained unaccounted for Monday after a devastating landslide in the US state of Washington which killed at least eight and sounded "like a small earthquake.

108 die in Uganda boat tragedy

The death toll from a boat that capsized in Lake Albert Monday rose to 108 after 82 more bodies were recovered.

MBARIA: At the root of the poaching menace is a veritable clash of value systems

Western conservation practice has failed to inculcate bonds between us and animals

It goes on and on and on. Personally, I look for stories that inform me on how to improve my life and the lives of those around me. It wasn't always that way. There was a time I was addicted to danger, death and destruction. That sound a little like someone else you've heard of? No? Starts with a "D"? Still no?

Well, I would love to know how to grow mushrooms on my balcony... balcony? No even that... on my Kitchen window sill. And I'd love to teach people to do that after I got it right. So that we won't have any more hungry people on the street. If they'll just grow the one 'plant' that requires almost no attention. And who says we should ever be broke or hungry or sad or jealous. I'm beginning to understand that it's all an attitude problem. 

We get jealous when other people get stuff and we think "I want that." but you really don't. Think back to that time when you got something that you thought you really wanted to because getting it would make you  'acceptable' in the eyes of your friends. Now think how you felt when you realized how stupid that was... huh? Huh?

"I wish we could all lead simple lives... become farmers, keep a few animals, grow our own food and just be happy," someone told me the other day.

So why don't we, lead simple lives I mean. The answer is simple. Point at the thing/person/nothingness in front of you, and then look where the other three fingers are pointing. There's your answer.

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